Close your eyes.

Go to alpha…3…2…1…“ALPHA”

Look up about 20 degrees and see a small black dot.

Visualize the dot coming closer and getting larger and larger until it surrounds you. Surrounded by blackness, think of being in a black room.

This is your sanctuary…a place where you think with harmonic energy…energy with a singular goal…This is where you can replace bad habits and eliminate negative emotions.

Now imagine a stage in an auditorium.

You are the director, and you are watching from where the audience sits.

On stage, you see yourself. You are an actor.

Then you realize there are two of you acting.

One is guided by your conscious mind; the other is guided by your subconscious mind.

They are not getting along.

They are not listening to each other.

They are fighting…they are not working together at all.

Your conscious mind is giving commands and your subconscious mind is ignoring them.

Your subconscious mind knows it can do so many things, but your conscious mind is being critical and carping.

Your conscious mind knows what is best for your body, but your subconscious mind is acting only on emotion.

You see your subconscious mind eating too much food only because it tastes good.

You see your body acting sick needlessly because of negative and false emotions.

You have seen enough as director, and you firmly yell, “Stop, enough!” You demand the following:

This is enough…no more of this bad acting!

From now on you two, conscious mind and subconscious mind, must work and act together…as a team.

From now on you must communicate constructively and lovingly.

From now on you two love each other…it is only natural…you are of the same body.

From now on you both must work lovingly for your highest good…your body’s highest good…and for everybody else’s good also.

From now on conscious mind is in charge…but conscious mind is a loving boss…selfless…only entertaining the thought of the highest good of subconscious mind and your precious body.

From now on, the conscious mind must only entertain healthful, positive thoughts during all waking hours.

The conscious mind constantly talks to the subconscious mind and guides it, and gives it positive, well thought out goals.

The subconscious mind gladly fulfills each goal in the fastest, easiest possible way.

The subconscious mind keeps your body healthy and vital…All old negative emotions are now dissolved and discarded.

Both conscious mind and subconscious mind now merge back into one body.

Now walk up to your body and enter it.

Look out through your eyes and see the stage around you.

Feel the fellowship of a conscious mind and subconscious mind that work together…and love each other.

Sense how better the world is because of this change.

See yourself—your conscious mind and subconscious mind acting together for your highest good.

Act like you can cure any illness or situation that comes up.

Act as if miracles are common in your life.

Act as though your conscious mind can accomplish anything with the aid of your subconscious mind…act as if nothing is too difficult to accomplish…act as if you have absolute faith…pure and resolute. Act like this is normal.

Now visualize a pure white, loving cloud over your head representing love, which is harmonic energy from the one source.

This cloud shifts down on you and covers you and everything around you.

You are one with yourself…you feel complete.

Now everything takes on a golden glow.

This golden glow represents harmony…harmony between your conscious mind and subconscious mind…harmony between you and the outside world…between you and your inner self.

Feel this glow and act as though you know for absolute certainty that this harmony is with you from now on.

Now go back to the black room.

See the black dissolving and becoming a black spot above your head.

See the black spot fade and disappear in the distance.

1…2…feeling refreshed and elated…3, you are wide awake. Open your eyes and smile.

Act happy and vibrant and energetic.