METHODS of Using Your Subconscious Mind, Part 3


The lack of or poor communication between our conscious minds and subconscious minds is the cause of many of our problems. This was pointed out in Lesson Two. Thus, developing and nurturing communication between your conscious mind and subconscious mind is imperative. Five techniques for communicating with your subconscious mind are presented in this lesson. The first method is especially important and should be practiced all the time. The second method is also useful and many people use it daily. The third and fourth methods can be very useful but are not something you would normally do every day. The last method may be the most important. Some psychiatrists, family doctors, and other health practitioners use it to find the cause of physical and emotional problems, test for allergies, and determine the value and dosages of vitamins, herbs, and medications.

Developing communication between your conscious mind and subconscious mind is a critical step in making your conscious mind and subconscious mind work in concert. If they are not in concert, the subconscious mind, rather than

your conscious mind, will likely prevail. Your genie is not supposed to be in charge.


We constantly talk to ourselves in our mind. In fact, quieting the mind is difficult. This talk is usually just chatter. The conscious mind is doing the talking, but who is it talking to? To itself or to the subconscious mind? It

can be either, but I believe 99 percent of the time, it is conscious mind talking to conscious mind. It is usually meaningless “monkey talk.”

But there are times when you need to talk to your subconscious mind, so you need to be specific. Suppose I was ready to give a lesson; it was time to start; I walked up to the lectern; opened my briefcase, and; found I had left my notes at home. In panic, I could say to myself, “Relax, Harry. Relax, and take it easy. You know the lesson material. Just relax and outline it in your head. You can do it. It will be easy.” Recall the Law of Reverse Effort. The harder I will myself to recall the lecture outline, the harder it is to recall it.

If I want to relax and recall the outline, I am wasting time talking to Harry. Harry is my conscious mind. My data bank (memory) is in my subconscious mind. Also, I am wasting time asking my conscious mind to relax. Deep relaxation is controlled by my subconscious mind. Okay, so I should talk to my subconscious mind. So I say, “Hey! You there! Subconscious

mind. Genie. Get to work. Relax my body and my nerves and bring up the outline of my lesson and do it now!”

That way of asking is not friendly. Your goal is to develop a rapport with your subconscious mind—your genie. You want to be friendly and appreciative. You want to open a dialogue and work together. What is the first thing you need when you talk to a friend? The friend’s name! When you are friendly with someone and working closely together, you use first names. So, if you want to be friendly with your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind needs a name. The way to obtain a name for your subconscious mind is explained in an exercise below.

When you want something from your subconscious mind, ask it in a nice, but firm way. (Remember, your subconscious mind is not as emotionally mature as you are.) Become friendly with it. After all, it is part of you and the two of you must work together for your best good. When it grants your request, thank it! Why not? When someone does something for you and you do not thank him or her, they may not be so willing to do something for you again. From now on you have a real friend in your subconscious mind and you are going to treat that friend with respect and love.

Getting back to my dilemma of forgetting my lecture notes, my conversation with my subconscious mind would go something like this. “Oh boy, Ralph (that is the name my subconscious mind picked out for itself) I forgot my notes. Listen, we have given this lecture dozens of times and you and I know it by heart. You and I are perfectly relaxed and we are relaxed throughout the lecture. (I am using the present tense.) I trust you to feed me all I need to know in the correct sequence. I can already see the lecture outline unfolding as I need it. So let’s act as if the notes were right here and get on with the lecture. We can do it together and I really appreciate your help. Thank you for always being so helpful. I love you.”